Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Love of Plaid

Every fall plaid is one of the basic patterns expected and associated with going back to school for most people. This year experiment with different plaids together. Pair a plaid vest with the base color taken from the plaid undershirt accent color string for a preppy chic look. Another option is to rock the plaid shirt with a fitted leather vest for an evening causal look. (The below vest from Bebe both could be interchanged with the center plaid shirt from Nordstroms.)
Plaid is starting to pop-up in stores as the fall line-up is hitting mainstream. Take time to pick up classic pieces that can be mixed and matched through out your wardrobe for years to come. Plaid is a main stay classic. However, not every year do you get the multitude of options that this fall collections will provide.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Technology Not Allowed

You can't live today with out having a cell phone 24/7 at your side with text messaging, facebook, twitter and email. Maybe going as far as toting around a laptop to surf the internet while chatting on facebook and sending tweets. People expect you to be available at every waking moment. Work expects you to be available before your work day begins or way after your work day should have stopped. There is no such thing as down time anymore. That is, until now.

A trend has started slowly and will be coming our way in time is technology free cafes, restaurants and vacations. Places where you can't get access to any signals that connect you to the outside world. The only signals you can pick up are the back to basics human kind. No txt to ask the person across the table asking if they like you, a simple hand on the arm and a flirtatious smile will have to do.

Ends up humans just like computers, need down time to re-energize and connect with the simple ways of life. When is the last time you took a vacation without a cell phone or GPS device? Or at-least turned off the cell to only use encase of an emergency? Not the type where you need to tell someone what your doing or the work project can't survive without your point of view. Instead, pulled out a paper map to chart your course and stopped at restaurants that you liked based on how they looked, not on the latest online review.

I think one thing we will see in the future is a driving mode in vehicles where you can turn of the mobile access within the vehicle as a question given during starting the ignition. Right now you still hear the ring, making it a stressful choice.

In a world of high stress a little downtime will work wonders on your soul.