Thursday, December 30, 2010

Colorful Thoughts - Be Aware

Have you ever noticed yourself gravitating to certain colors depending on your mood? Do you find yourself wearing colors not knowing really why? Maybe you wear pink, but pink isn't your color or doesn't fit your image. Here are some quick definitions behind colors and what your unconscious mind is telling you:

RED: Passion, very active, (deep red) over active, (dull red) burned out, ( bright red) sexy, leadership, love of sports, challenge, courage, practical, desire for possessions, sense of adventure, and a survival instinct. You are very active and 'on the go'. You like a challenge, are a force of will, hard worker, like to achieve results and success. You do not punch a time clock, and will work till you drop.

ORANGE: Creativity, confidence, ambition, originality, sociability, openness, intuition, independence, expression, ability to solve problems and work without supervision. You think while you act. You enjoy your sexuality. You love adventure, excitement and intrigue. You are independent and not emotionally needy.

YELLOW: Spontaneous, intellect, happy, and cheerful. A sense of humor, confident, optimistic, with a warm smile are typical.You have the ability to brighten the lives of those around you. You bring warmth, originality and exhilaration. You are playful, fun loving, humorous, and somewhat childlike. You pay attention to details, organization and are disciplined!

GREEN: Healing, teaching, caring, high self-esteem, tenacity, money, harmony, balance, and growth.
A rich dark green is abundance, prosperity and wealth. Greens (
bright) are driven to be successful and often own their own business, are goal-oriented and make lists (check them off as they complete a goal). You need to be in control. Family matters and parenting are important to you. Medical professionals and people involved in the healing arts of any kind often have wear greens.

BLUE: Communication, loyalty, good listener, contentment, peaceful, caretaker, calmness, patience, sensitive, honest, empathic, generous, warmhearted, and often times spiritual. Blue indicates a depth of feeling; love, truth, trust, dedication, tranquility, tenderness and affection. You convey wisdom, and are reliable. A good talker!

AQUA: A need to be recognized, sensitive, vulnerable, responsive, stress and anxiety.
Music may play an important part in your life.

VIOLET: Spiritual, mystical, looks for magical solutions, visionaries, always see the big picture, search for the truth, questioning, take everything at face value, tends to be intuitive, and unconventional. You tend to live in a world of fantasy and love to daydream. Things come to you without pushing, what you want and need come to you as if by unexplained. You do not have to push to get what you want.

MAGENTA: Nonconformists, innovated, strong-willed, inventive, imaginative, artistic, resourceful, productive, creative and has an agile mind. You are bright and determined about things you regard as important. You are a great manipulator as well as actor. You tap dance to your own tune!

PINK: Shows a purity of intention, strong sense of companionship, cleanness, love of art and beauty, and shows vitality.

BLACK: A protective cloak shielding yourself from outside energies and keeping yourself centered or focused while putting matters in the proper perspective. Focus.

WHITE: Highly motivated, bright, ability to see 'the big picture', a chameleon, money is not always the object of your life, great wisdom. You are a avid reader and enjoy television, movies, and the theatre.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Classic Romance

The illusion of black lace draped over a women's body gathers a second glance, if not more. This holiday season rekindle your romance or start a new one with one of these figure flattering dresses: