Monday, March 29, 2010

It is easy being Green!

April 22 is just around the corner. What is it? Earth Day! A day to celebrate the many things the planet gives us and for us to return the favor by giving back.

In the past, most people associated Earth Day to a day where people around the planet planted trees to give back to the environment. Each year Earth Day keeps providing more awareness to people about their impact on natural surroundings. This year think about some of the simple items you can do to lower your foot print on the nature around you.

Here are some easy green design tips provided by National Resource Defense Council:

1. Decorate with Plants

Plants can act as natural air filters, removing harmful chemicals like benzene and carbon monoxide from the indoor air. And they look great too, giving your home a more natural and vibrant feel. The best plants for improving indoor air quality include the peace lily, bamboo palm and gerbera daisy.

2. Maximize Daylight

Maximizing daylight -- through skylights, open shades, and south-facing windows -- substitutes electrical lighting with the natural light of the sun, saving money and preventing the emission of air pollutants and greenhouse gasses.

3. Use Energy Efficient Lighting

Compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs use a third of the energy of regular incandescent bulbs and last up to ten times longer. Replacing a traditional incandescent bulb with a CFL can save you more than $30 over the lifetime of the bulb and prevent the emission of air pollutants and greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. Look for the
Energy Starlabel.

4. Choose FSC Wood Products

Much of the wood that we buy comes from unsustainable operations in endangered forests, including the Canadian Boreal, Cumberland Plateau, and the rainforests of Borneo. The
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is the only credible international certification organization for sustainably harvested wood and wood products. Look for the FSC label.

5. Select Efficient Windows

Windows are a significant source of heat loss in the winter and unwanted heat in the summer. Energy-efficient windows are lined with special coatings that reflect heat and provide superior insulation, keeping your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. Efficient windows save money on reduced heating and cooling bills and prevent the emission of greenhouse gases. Look for the
Energy Star label.

6. Opt for Low VOC Products

Many common household products, including paints, carpets and furniture, emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can be harmful to human health. When buying these products, look for those with a low VOC content.

7. Buy Locally

Locally produced products travel fewer miles to their end destination, resulting in less air and global warming pollution from transportation.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rock This!

We all watch movies, TV or video clips sometimes taking for granite the sound elements. These sound elements, music, subliminally enhance the emotions being acted out. Thus, giving a huge impact to the exact feeling happening in that precise moment of time.

Have you ever thought about what music or song would give life to your different emotions? What is your happy walking into a room music? What is your I'm a rock star walking into a room music? (Mine is "Are You Going to Be My Girl" by Jet)

Similar to a journal writing all your personal adventures or scrap-booking your life in pictures, create a download of the music which expresses your different types of emotions over time. Then next time you want to change your mood think about the music of your life and what song will help rocket you into the mood you want at that precise moment.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Learn from Others

Our country is rich as a melting pot of nationalities from around the world. Each year more and more people come to America to full fill their dreams. Raising children in a new environment to gaining their dream job or developing a family business. Many things can be accomplished here. However, over time generation after generation some loose sight of what America or their heritage can give as an opportunity.

As for me, I think America has given me the opportunity to look at multiple cultures and dissect the great attributes which make them successful and give a sense of pride. One of distinct group I've paid attention to over the years is Latina Women. I have known several successful Latina women and you can sense them entering a room. They take great pride in whom they are and where they come from. Great sense of family and home. Most are not afraid to speak out and demand respect.

Many brands whom are going through a transformation have not figured out how to tap into the Latino market. What some may not be paying attention to is whom to use in the marketing mix. The thing is to know women are a key ingredient in the recipe mix. Sophisticated, strong and sensual with charisma are a few attributes that will draw in the market. Pay attention to areas with a strong Hispanic cultural base. Magazines, Advertising, TV Shows...etc.