Sunday, February 6, 2011

What is your Brand's STEM DNA?

There is a huge push for getting children to take STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) classes and develop stronger STEM programs within schools. However, how do you make STEM cool? What STEM careers are cool and serve as a role model for getting children and their parents engaged?

When most of us hear the word "STEM" we think about the stem of a plant and being the basis from which everything branches off from. Now think of a brand and how their products are branches of their core essence. In particular, think of a car brand and how STEM really is the core of the products created.

This is the opportune time for Lincoln, Buick or Cadillac (American Brands) to utilize the development of STEM to connect their brands to the next generation of car buyers and developers. Ultimately, their parents at the same time. Fun Fact: Children are 80% of the family buying decisions.

The time is now to use the help of youth to make their brands and STEM cool. People don't realize STEM is part of all areas of business, including Marketing and Design. Here are some simple ideas:
  • STEM days at Auto Shows with guest speakers from different job areas talking about how they use STEM to do their job
  • Facebook STEM test application which suggests vehicles brands, products or jobs
  • Brand website focused on how the brand incorporates STEM into their products as the basis of their brand or product development

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