Friday, January 4, 2019

What drives you?

We are ingrained from youth to use the beginning of a new year to reflect on the past. As I look upon the past year, driven by the previous years of reflection, I think about what drove me to choose the path I have taken. I think back to my youth and enjoyment of continuous learning, tinkering and art. The enjoyment of figuring out how to fix things, build things and connect people with things to bring them enjoyment or peace of mind. Seeing the "Ah Ha" moment when a smile crosses a person’s face as something gives them joy. 

To me there is joy in being part of the process for a vehicle or motorcycle made by many parts, hands and minds to come together into one fully operating machine. It is mind blowing when you think about the details of it. To be a piece of this puzzle and to share it’s outcome with others is a pure sense of joy. Motorized transportation allows us to explore the individual freedom we possess at greater ranges and in different ways. For some, these machines and the brands that represent them are an extension of who they are. To others it is just a means to get from one point to another. But no matter if the mode of transportation or brand connects with you on a personal level, it has connected you to other people, places and above all memories. 

I’m driven by my passion to bring products and brands alive that connect with people to give them more in life. More freedom, more smiles and more to reflect on the next year.

May the passion that drives you bring you and those you touch much success in the new year.

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