Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back to Basics

Fall is in the air with the leaves changing, children going back to school, cooler nights and less amount of daylight for the northern states. A lot has changed since a year ago and spending habits is one of the most visible that has hit home. Sales are soaring at discount stores/chains and at fast food restaurants. Restaurant chains have developed dinner specials for two that allow there to still be money left over for a babysitter. However, this trend of spending less is going to get old school thoughts of how people enjoyed life in more simpler times.

When is the last time you had a group of friends over for a pot luck dinner with board games or video games? Movie night? In a fast pace world sometimes it take going back to simple times to bring out innovative fun entertainment on a budget.

When was the last time you looked up your heritage and the traditions/food related? Or maybe it was a trip you took to another country? Ever think of sharing the knowledge, pictures and food with friends. In a few weeks you could travel the world from the comfort of neighborhood homes.

Taking a moment to recharge with friends and family will help in grounding you in what will be always there for you: Friends & Family.
Who knows with the money saved you might be able to take another trip to share in the future?

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