Monday, September 28, 2009

Personal Branding

The market has become flooded by the masses and over time personal branding has been something people have been talking about, but less have done. Over the last 5 + years you have seen courses popping up about creating Brand You or Developing Your Personal Brand. Almost everyone knows it only takes 6 seconds to develop a first impression, so what does your look, smell, physical movement and voice say about you?

I know that as I get older it is something that comes to mind a lot more than in the younger years where it was more important to start thinking about what your image says about you. Now days people bring up social media and what it says about a person, however just getting back to the basics would help clear the path for everything that evolves from a person (including social media).
  • How do you want people to see you?
  • What lasting impression do you want them to have in mind? (Visual..was your outfit put together, were you tugging on your shirt, were you well groomed, who were you with, what were you doing, what were you saying?)
  • What is your signature? (Not hand writing, what are you known for?)
  • Are you dependable? On time? Polite?
  • How do you want to be treated by others?
The list goes on, but you can see what I'm getting at. Overtime we as individuals get used to being whom we are, want to add some changes and forget sometimes your personal brand is an attribute that others rely on. It is time to take note of whom you are and how others see you. While the world is growing, you want to stand out as the individual that you are.

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