Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Love Thy State

Green is in the air. Every where you go in Michigan right now the grass is turning a lush green, leaves are almost at their full and the smell of fresh foliage is wafting through the air. Spring is the start of some of the best out door events around.

During my many years of traveling and living in Michigan I have become quite the avid event goer. At one point going to 4-5 events in a weekend in different villages, towns and cities. Here are some of my favorite Spring Events: (Check out mfea.org for all monthly events)

April 28 - May 08, 2010 Holland Tulip Festival
May 13-16, 2010 Boyne City MorelFest (Mushroom Lovers)
May 29-30, 2010 Alma Highland Games (Brings out the Scottish in everyone)

Not only are most of these events fun, but some also give back to those in the community.

Get out and enjoy Michigan!

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