Sunday, April 18, 2010

Spring Fling

Birds are singing, leaves are popping and floating in the air is the smell of spring flowers. People are starting to migrate out of their houses and adventure into streets, woods and water. Not in the means of getting somewhere, but to enjoy the transformations of the nature around them.

When was the last time you took a moment to take the energy given by spring to renew yourself? Give yourself a Spring Fling. Rediscover "You". Here are some questions to think about:
  • Mind: How are you expanding your mind? (Meditation, Reading, Games, Detox from computers...)
  • Body: How are you showing your body you love it? (Exercise, Diet, Wardrobe, Hair, Make-up)
  • Soul: What are you doing to fill your heart? (Giving, Volunteering, Introducing Friends - my fav...)
Take a lesson from mother nature and create your own personal "Spring Fling". It is always worth a moment to re fall in love with yourself to open your mind to others.

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