Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Are You LinkedIn?

Part of doing business has always been building relationships. Ultimately a personal human relationship with contacts letters and computers couldn't provide. They still can't at all levels, but online video conferencing and social media outlets have helped.

Most people are now using LinkedIn as their professional Rolodex and Facebox as their personal Rolodex. Allowing the system to give them updates on what their contacts posted actions are. And if this isn't enough, Twitter helps bridge the time gap to give instant updates. The world wide web has now allowed us to reconnect or develop connections a few years ago took several phone calls, coffees...etc. to get what is now developed in matter of minutes.
However, when developing your connections are you truly connecting with people or developing your own spider web design? If so, what web design have you created and what can in provide for contacts? In LinkedIn have you made an effort to support your contacts through recommendations or introduction to synergistic contacts?

Over the next several years the tracking of introductions, recommendations and posted comment click throughs will give some great data on the top influencers and connectors. Plus, what they do and what jobs they succeed in. I bet Stanley Milgram would have loved to see it all in action.

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