Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Greatest Gift of Movie Theaters

It was Thursday night, a week after the premier of Sex and The City 2. Why not make it a ladies night out? So we gathered 2 hours prior to the showtime to buy tickets and had some pre-movie girl time at some local restaurants. We were advised by the ticket attendant the movie was a few tickets from being sold out (it is 2 hours before showtime), so arrive early for good seats.

Heeding the warning, we arrived a half-hour early to one set of enough seats in a row to fit our group before having to sit in the neck breaking floor rows. There was not a seat left by the beginning of pre-views, only 4 men. You couldn't even hear the pre-views. Then there was a loud woman who stood up and shouted, "Shut-up!" The movie started a moment later in silence. However, this didn't last long. In unison women...ohh...awe...laughed...gasped... Now everyone was part of the movie experience.

The next 2 1/2 hours you could feel bonding of women of all ages and races seated in the theater. Afterwards women were in huddles out side the door talking about the movie and passing on smiles to those who wandered by. Even giving out compliments to women who chose to dress up for the movie. Overall a great vibe.

Nothing can duplicate the feelings created by a gathering of people at a venue. Until someone develops an in home crowd response as background noise to a movie through a separate speaker system, movie theaters are here to stay.

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