Friday, August 28, 2009

Deep Thought

As time has evolved, so has the amount of depth society has put into a simple thought. Now days it is not just I want that car it looks good or I will go to this hospital because it is close with great doctors.

Now the thoughts are:
  • Cars - Who builds this car and what do they stand for? How is it built and what are the plant emissions (not to mention the car emissions/gas mileage)? Does the build of the vehicle support US jobs?
  • Hospitals - What is the waste produced by the hospital? Are they utilizing green build standards for new sites? What do they provide the community? Is their staff personal?
In any industry the list goes on and now the thought process becomes complex for a buyer whom used to rely on trusting the companies to do this for them. So as a response to this void that has been happening over time, companies are going to have to become better marketers and communicators. Social media is a step in the right direction by making it a personal "friend" connection to consumers, but more needs to happen. Getting back to the basics personal face to face interactions will be coming back to instill trust. Public newsletters that not only have personal content connecting consumers with consumers, but also showcasing certifications and new processes that showcase what companies are doing.

Gone is the mentality of resolving issues and not highlighting people what you have done so they don't have to focus energy on what is your job. Now is the time to resolve issues and make it "known."

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