Monday, August 17, 2009

Event Sponsorships

Who isn't familiar with the typical in your face event sponsorships. The type where there is in your face logo's and sometimes so many it becomes a blur. Are people really paying attention to the brand names or who provides the best trinket?

To stand out in the crowd in the future it will be: How well did you blend in and get your brand message integrated without looking like a commercial. For years movies, TV shows and specialized media have integrated brands into their products strategically enough to not look like a blatant commercials. Events will start taking up this same pattern in the changing economy.

Showing customers that I'm spending big money to get your attention makes the consumer wonder if they are paying for the marketing or the end product. Consumers are becoming smart shoppers and know if they are paying for a brand or a product. What the brand needs to do is develop a brand worth their attention and spend.

Best example of supporting an event was during a speech with a joke that incorporated a brand sponsor that made people remember the brand. It wasn't posted everywhere, but in the fine print of supporting sponsors on the event list. I think as brands rethink their integration into events they should take tips from watching new medias.

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