Monday, October 26, 2009

Home Businesses

Over the last several months more and more people around me are becoming involved with developing a home business around things they enjoy. It is neat to see people taking their passion and develop it into a career or side business. Here are some entrepreneurs that are taking the leap:


Green Living:

Document Output & Management Reduction:
CLEAR ADVANTAGE GROUP (Diane Creel Elarde) -

Video/Website Production:

Personal Coaching:

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Think Twice About Personal Brand Image

Today I went to a event where the guest speaker was talking about putting your best face forward to build your business, contacts and personal brand. However, I only heard half of what she was talking about as her mid-drift was starting to get more exposed as she spoke. Here she was in front of a crowd of 50+ people in a nice suit, but a fitted shirt that was slowing exposing her into an non-professional image.

In the past people might have over looked this as a wardrobe miss function, however as the environment is becoming more competitive little things stand out as not having well thought out all the details to be precise. More than ever brand image is important both at a corporate and personal level. In companies the employees need to reflect the image the consumers expect to interact with or would be involved with the brand they are touting. For individuals they need not only think about what their corporate image is, but personally what is their image and does it fit me both in business and in social environments? I personally have gone through some growth in the area over the last year and have seen a huge difference in how people respond to simple changes.

Personal image is what people will remember long after you have left a company or stopped promoting a brand. Employees and students need to assume now days they are part of the companies/schools face to consumers. So the question goes both ways: Is your brand reflected in your personal image?

Website with suggested Dress for Success Tips: Click Here

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Power of Networking

Nothing really has changed regarding networking. People have been doing it for years. However, over time while life became busy and focus changed some people lost interest in continually building their personal and professional network.

Now people are reinvesting in themselves and others by building their networks. People are realizing everything can not be done alone and the support of others bring the best out in themselves. It also has become easy in the social media age through Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Plaxo..the list goes on.
Plus, there hasn't been a day that goes by I haven't seen a class or seminar on how to effectively network to build your business or reach your goals. You know something is "hot" when the world is trying to cash in on it. I personally believe if you stay true to yourself and follow a few simple tips, your network will reflect you and not what others say you need to be.


- Always be polite to everyone
- Give a smile
- Engage in eye contact
- Create your own opinion (filter out what others say they are)
- Request a card (if they choose not to give you one, then that is a sign)
- Follow-up with a nice to meet you letter/e-mail
- Think of your network when opportunities or ideas arise that can help them
- Discover your personal image and ensure others see you in the same light (Ask & Reflect)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Find the Inner Child

Last week I wrote about finding laughter, which was much easier as a child. Well, we are about to be smack dab in the middle of the best day ever to find your inner child...Halloween! It is the one day of the year that everyone (ok, almost everyone) is given a free pass to relive childhood. Dress up in a costume of your favorite character and set out to have fun with friends. The best is to do a group theme. Not only would the group stand out to win prizes, it makes it easier to find each other at a Halloween event.This year the popular group/couple characters will be from the following movies:

  • Alice in Wonderland
  • Flintstones
  • The Jetsons
  • Wizard of Oz
  • Popeye
  • Muppets

Friday, October 2, 2009

Re-Learn to Laugh

Now days everyone's minds are filled with the latest drama and as we all get older it becomes harder for some to regain the ability to laugh. We have been told time and time again that laughter is medicine for the soul. Doctors have even suggested in studies that laughter has helped ill patients recover faster by watching movies that make them laugh or surrounding themselves with individuals that are so positive you can't help but smile.

When is the last time you had a good dose of laugher, the kind that makes your whole body shake and leaves an endless smile on your face? I thought it was clever in the movie "Finding Neverland" they highlighted sprinkling children in a theater of adults to ignite the inner child and laugher back into the adults. Also, I just read where some companies are even adding theme days or competitions where the employees have to dress up in costumes to bring out the inner child/creative thought.
Why do we have to wait for Super Bowl Sunday to see some of the most funniest commercials of the year? (YouTube Link) I think the brands that will be able to bring some laughter with smiles back into peoples lives will win new consumers. At the end of the day, each one of us has an smile wanting to come out. We may not just know it.