Monday, October 26, 2009

Home Businesses

Over the last several months more and more people around me are becoming involved with developing a home business around things they enjoy. It is neat to see people taking their passion and develop it into a career or side business. Here are some entrepreneurs that are taking the leap:


Green Living:

Document Output & Management Reduction:
CLEAR ADVANTAGE GROUP (Diane Creel Elarde) -

Video/Website Production:

Personal Coaching:

1 comment:

  1. Greetings... I am what is called a "geographical startup" in that I have been in business for 26 years, but am new in the Detroit market. Kinda like having a foot in two rooms!

    I really like this posting - it helps people see possibilities in a new way. And to quickly add to the network presence, being active on LinkedIn has increased my website views by 200% over the past 2 months!

    Thank you Nicole!
