Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Think Twice About Personal Brand Image

Today I went to a event where the guest speaker was talking about putting your best face forward to build your business, contacts and personal brand. However, I only heard half of what she was talking about as her mid-drift was starting to get more exposed as she spoke. Here she was in front of a crowd of 50+ people in a nice suit, but a fitted shirt that was slowing exposing her into an non-professional image.

In the past people might have over looked this as a wardrobe miss function, however as the environment is becoming more competitive little things stand out as not having well thought out all the details to be precise. More than ever brand image is important both at a corporate and personal level. In companies the employees need to reflect the image the consumers expect to interact with or would be involved with the brand they are touting. For individuals they need not only think about what their corporate image is, but personally what is their image and does it fit me both in business and in social environments? I personally have gone through some growth in the area over the last year and have seen a huge difference in how people respond to simple changes.

Personal image is what people will remember long after you have left a company or stopped promoting a brand. Employees and students need to assume now days they are part of the companies/schools face to consumers. So the question goes both ways: Is your brand reflected in your personal image?

Website with suggested Dress for Success Tips: Click Here

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