Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Power of Networking

Nothing really has changed regarding networking. People have been doing it for years. However, over time while life became busy and focus changed some people lost interest in continually building their personal and professional network.

Now people are reinvesting in themselves and others by building their networks. People are realizing everything can not be done alone and the support of others bring the best out in themselves. It also has become easy in the social media age through Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Plaxo..the list goes on.
Plus, there hasn't been a day that goes by I haven't seen a class or seminar on how to effectively network to build your business or reach your goals. You know something is "hot" when the world is trying to cash in on it. I personally believe if you stay true to yourself and follow a few simple tips, your network will reflect you and not what others say you need to be.


- Always be polite to everyone
- Give a smile
- Engage in eye contact
- Create your own opinion (filter out what others say they are)
- Request a card (if they choose not to give you one, then that is a sign)
- Follow-up with a nice to meet you letter/e-mail
- Think of your network when opportunities or ideas arise that can help them
- Discover your personal image and ensure others see you in the same light (Ask & Reflect)

1 comment:

  1. Excellent blog and a great marketing tool.
    Best wishes.

