Thursday, November 5, 2009

Future of Social Media

Social media does sound better and more personal than interactive media, either way they connect people, products, brands, geography and the world in more ways than we thought was going to be possible even 5 years ago. Thanks to innovative minds and emerging technologies the world is changing around us faster than you can hand write a letter and place it in an envelope.

Practice your hand writing to make it legible, find stationary (dust it off), learn how to spell without spell check or type it first than hand write it, place the finished product in an envelope and seal it (hope the sticky part still works) and buy a stamp to send = 2-3 hours if you are a computer based person

I know this is an exaggeration, but for some people it is reality and really shows how fast the world around us is changing. Now instead of picking up the phone to get your friends or family decision on a product, you can research it online and have input from your online network. Plus, with the multiple online marketing tools brands can directly connect and engage people with their products and their brand values.

I believe the next step will be where people can rate other people's feed back to products and brands giving them a point value. When you see a person with high points for good honest feedback, the more reliable/trustworthy that person is. The higher the points the more visible their comments are in the feedback stream as well. The more real the feedback person is will help too..Can you contact them? What is their background? Do they fit your needs and values segment?

If you are looking for ways to engage with products directly, check out some of these sites where you can be hands on and help brands engage your network of friends:

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