Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Support & Recognition

I would like to applaud all the people right now stepping out of their set of norms to expand their social wealth. Not everyone finds it easy to walk into a room of strangers and introduce themselves to a group, even if it is a casual setting sitting at a table. Yet more people are having to learn the art of networking and recognize importance of creating a support group of individuals that can help you in discovering your next social/career moves.

Luckily the growth of technology has made it easier for us to connect to new people and create forums for people to connect base on interests, common goals or the need to connect with the outside world. I was at a event last night (Detroit Digital 313) where the topic about creative brought up the importance that FEAR brings to push people into using their creative thoughts to move forward. Which I couldn't agree more that Fear helps expand our thoughts to all the possibilities and actions that need to take place prevent or soften the impact of the worst that could happen. This Fear for a lot of people has encouraged them to engage in learning emerging technology to keep head of the curve. For interactive marketing people this gives us a greater platform to reach a larger group of people as a friend or supporter with our brands.

It has always been said that with someone's loss comes another person's gain. This couldn't be more true. Brands are now paying forward to help with people's difficulties to gain long-term brand supporters. "Who was there and helped me when things were going bad?"

As you develop your corporate or personal brand, think about what you are doing to help those around you to build a personal relationship and lasting impression. Every once in a while everyone deserves a pat on the back/token/recognition or reward for stepping outside of their norms to better themselves.

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