Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Leadership in Social Times during a Economic Low

Lately I have heard a good amount of discussions about bosses or company leaders and how they are positively or negatively affecting their employees. The reason I hear more than ever before is due to how social everyone has become as a reflection of their online social adaption to connecting with people. I always knew that people where affected by their leadership, but I think some leaders at some point have forgotten the big impact they have just walking by in a hallway.

Leadership makes or breaks a company more than ever before with the impact they have on their employees. You can even tell if a company/brand will do well based on how the employees talk about their leadership. Every employee is a walking advertisement for their company with or without them knowing it.

I remember one time at a party over hearing a lady talking about a "GM" person working on an Chevy car they just met while talking with others about stores to get things at. The "GM" person stated they only shop at Target, Costco, Nordstroms..etc. Basically, higher end stores. The next thing the person I was listening to said, "No wonder GM is missing sales, not everyone shops a high end stores. Do they even relate to their targets?" Now they have a bad taste in their mouth about the brand and all it took was a conversation about stores.

The same thing happens with leadership. Here is some of the simple things leaders can do keep employees on their side and engaged:
  • Acknowledge people in the hallway by say "hi" with a smile (Name or No Name..it still makes a difference)
  • At the end of the year (or quarterly) thank employees for their work and dedication
  • Let employees know what the companies goals are and how they can be involved/support
  • Celebrate the small successes and post them for everyone to see
  • Thank the families of the employees for the support they give your employees
More than ever in this economic low people want to feel like they are acknowledged as part of the team and that you can give a moment of your time to show you are real. This will make the difference in your company having a good or bad social status in a viral world.

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