Sunday, January 31, 2010

Dress for Success (A work look must have for ladies)

By now most women in cold weather states are deep into a winter blues state of mind. There seems to be no end in sight and everything around is starting to seem bland. It is up to you ladies to brighten up those dull days with a fresh look sprinkled with color and class.

Check out all the new sheath dresses hitting the stores in traditional and fun colors. The neat addition to the traditional sheath dresses are the new necklines to choose from. Pick one which will flatter your body style. Don't go for a plunge neckline if you are chesty. If you do, wear a camisole underneath for business environments.

Next add to your wardrobe a great pair of classic beige/nude shoes and accenting handbag.
They go with everything and you will get miles of usage out of them. Make sure you pay attention to your company business guidelines to see if nylons and closed toe shoes are required. This will guide you on what type of shoes to purchase. (Pictured: Enzo Shoes and Coach Bag.)

Lastly, enhance the outfit with a statement necklace. Check out this one by Stella & Dot.

This outfit and your smile will not only brighten your co-workers day, their compliments will leave you feeling energized.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Change Your Mind, Change Results

I've spent the past year listening to people and paying attention to their attitude on life or what comes their way. People whom often think they are being positive are not and those that don't pay attention most of the times are. Learning to take a carefree approach for some is part of their personal chemistry. For others it takes practice and constant observation to ensure they are not taking the easy path to negative attitude.

Negative attitude is always the easy way to go. Giving blame to someone else, thinking your never good enough, the world is out to get you...the list goes on. Most do it because they feel the more ready they are for something bad to happen the easier it is, not realizing this train of thought can actually bring on what they are wishing. The harder road is to always think things are going well and nothing can go wrong, if it does it is a minor puddle in the road of life.

What people with negative thoughts don't realize is when you have a positive attitude towards life and what comes at you, it is the same feeling or process you would incur when you hit that bad bump negative thoughts set already or not. However, with a positive attitude you assume everything thing will get better and set your mind on getting there.

One way of thinking about thing is taking Hati for example. Here is a country where it is common to live on minimal food and live in a non-stable shelter for your whole life. What does your day consist of? I bet it is much better off than theirs, but yet you might not feel it. As long as you want to remain living always remember a two positives can out weigh a negative.

If you feel yourself going down negative street, take a right turn and park next to some people in positive row and use their energy to get you back on track.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Add Color to Evoke Energy

Are you sick of seeing the traditional black, navy and grey traditional work gear everyone is wearing to show how serious business is? Most of the time not even smiling while walking by in a rush. Take a moment and think about what makes you smile or gives you energy. Color is a great way to weave in energy into the everyday mix of dull seriousness. Yes, there is always a time and place, but consider starting slowly with a splash in a scarf or tie. Then move into blouse, shirt or sweater in a fun color that enhances the work gear your wearing. Next start dabbling in suits or jackets. Nothing too bright, but a nice weave/pattern with an accent color tied in.

When people see colors and a smile the energy from that person flows right into them wanting it or not. Let's face it, we all can use as much positive energy we can get. Words and phrases come and go. Visual inspiration stays in a person's mind and memory longer like a painting hanging on a wall in a personal museum. What picture do you want to give others to leave them with positive energy?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Year, New Decade, New Focus

Take these first few weeks and develop your game plan for the next 1, 5 and 10 years. I know every year most people create this, but have you followed through? What do you want to accomplish? What do you fear? How can you overcome those fears? I think one of the best things out there are groups and organizations people can join to help develop their plans, face their fears, is a reliable source for information and a sounding board. It is not the same as family and friends. Although most people do gain friends over time through groups and organizations, it is different.

Pick a organization with people and objectives which will enhance your development and help obtain your personal goals. Don't be afraid to ask people whom you admire or would like to achieve their same position, "What organizations they belong to and why?" You have nothing to loose and respect to gain from others.

Everyone wants to achieve their dreams and so few take the dive into a adventure knowing some slips and falls will happen. However, people who do take on their adventure and keep pushing through end up with the best results and a never have the lingering question: "I wonder if I would have...would have I succeeded or changed my life?"

In this value proposition I see more gain than loss.

A few Metro Detroit Local Groups: