Monday, January 25, 2010

Change Your Mind, Change Results

I've spent the past year listening to people and paying attention to their attitude on life or what comes their way. People whom often think they are being positive are not and those that don't pay attention most of the times are. Learning to take a carefree approach for some is part of their personal chemistry. For others it takes practice and constant observation to ensure they are not taking the easy path to negative attitude.

Negative attitude is always the easy way to go. Giving blame to someone else, thinking your never good enough, the world is out to get you...the list goes on. Most do it because they feel the more ready they are for something bad to happen the easier it is, not realizing this train of thought can actually bring on what they are wishing. The harder road is to always think things are going well and nothing can go wrong, if it does it is a minor puddle in the road of life.

What people with negative thoughts don't realize is when you have a positive attitude towards life and what comes at you, it is the same feeling or process you would incur when you hit that bad bump negative thoughts set already or not. However, with a positive attitude you assume everything thing will get better and set your mind on getting there.

One way of thinking about thing is taking Hati for example. Here is a country where it is common to live on minimal food and live in a non-stable shelter for your whole life. What does your day consist of? I bet it is much better off than theirs, but yet you might not feel it. As long as you want to remain living always remember a two positives can out weigh a negative.

If you feel yourself going down negative street, take a right turn and park next to some people in positive row and use their energy to get you back on track.

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