Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Year, New Decade, New Focus

Take these first few weeks and develop your game plan for the next 1, 5 and 10 years. I know every year most people create this, but have you followed through? What do you want to accomplish? What do you fear? How can you overcome those fears? I think one of the best things out there are groups and organizations people can join to help develop their plans, face their fears, is a reliable source for information and a sounding board. It is not the same as family and friends. Although most people do gain friends over time through groups and organizations, it is different.

Pick a organization with people and objectives which will enhance your development and help obtain your personal goals. Don't be afraid to ask people whom you admire or would like to achieve their same position, "What organizations they belong to and why?" You have nothing to loose and respect to gain from others.

Everyone wants to achieve their dreams and so few take the dive into a adventure knowing some slips and falls will happen. However, people who do take on their adventure and keep pushing through end up with the best results and a never have the lingering question: "I wonder if I would have...would have I succeeded or changed my life?"

In this value proposition I see more gain than loss.

A few Metro Detroit Local Groups:

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