Monday, January 18, 2010

Add Color to Evoke Energy

Are you sick of seeing the traditional black, navy and grey traditional work gear everyone is wearing to show how serious business is? Most of the time not even smiling while walking by in a rush. Take a moment and think about what makes you smile or gives you energy. Color is a great way to weave in energy into the everyday mix of dull seriousness. Yes, there is always a time and place, but consider starting slowly with a splash in a scarf or tie. Then move into blouse, shirt or sweater in a fun color that enhances the work gear your wearing. Next start dabbling in suits or jackets. Nothing too bright, but a nice weave/pattern with an accent color tied in.

When people see colors and a smile the energy from that person flows right into them wanting it or not. Let's face it, we all can use as much positive energy we can get. Words and phrases come and go. Visual inspiration stays in a person's mind and memory longer like a painting hanging on a wall in a personal museum. What picture do you want to give others to leave them with positive energy?

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